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Voici Mon Papa!


Stop Press! Romodad has finally got his act together and got his own blog! (although he can’t (has forgotten how to I think) login at the moment so won’t be able to reply to comments straightaway. I am no doubt going to be giving an emergency overthephone tutorial later…!) It’s called feteaccompli and you can view it here. And then you can watch an excerpt from the best ‘holiday’ film ever – Mr Hulot’s Holiday by legendary and undisputed genius Jacques Tati. I have visited the village and the hotel where it was shot and it hasn’t changed a bit. The village is throwing a 100th birthday for Tati this year which is great. This time tomorrow I will be Chez Gatwick Terminal Du Nord ou Sud – can’t remember and grumpily joining the straining sweaty throngs of the departures queue nightmare. Will try and take as many photo’s as possible without getting taken for a scowling ginger child wielding terrorist.

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