Somehow I have been found via the powers of munterspace by a friend I lost touch with about 7 years ago and knew for about 6 years before that. The weird thing is – I don’t publicise my real name on munterspace and my avatar (as some of you know) is this:
The even weirder thing is that he has really been on my mind over the last few days. I am a psychic witchmother.
Rather more embarrassingly – this is his message – I really couldn’t tell you what he is talking about……no really….for those who aren’t conversant in the Czech language – ‘foy’ means uugghhhhh! in Czech.
I have found you my little friend. Where are you living? XXX and I are in Clapham – we got into property developing for a while but now we have stopped and I am doing a masters in linguistics. I see that a small person came out of your tummy – how weird. Are you grown up now or do you still pee in people’s gardens and say “FOY” ? Please get in touch coz I miss you. My number is XXXXXXX Lots of love XXXXXX
Blimey. The tinternet is a powerful thing.