So a few weeks ago I tantalised you all with shots of the music video I shot in East Oakland, California for the legendary and prolific Cornershop. Now you can see the video in all it’s digi-colour glory. I was going to write technicolor but I always feel that should be reserved to describe proper 35mm film and not digital format.
Anyway….here is the vid. It got a world premiere exclusive on Spin Magazine which is very exciting. Odd these days that you have virtually virtual world exclusives. Without risk of sounding like old befuddled old fogey, it is all about hits and downloads these days which is kind of odd and kind of different. I miss the excitement and anticipation of LP’s and 12″ and 7″ singles. I used to love popping the shrinkwrap, pulling out the sleeve – it was always tight with static the first time you pulled the record from the inner sleeve wasn’t it?
I hope you like it. I was so committed to making it – it was fuelled with a combination of fate, karma, brute focus and a clutch of lucky airmiles that finally got me there. It was hard work and different. I made a photojournal documenting the precarious way I came to make it. And here is tantalising post take two! The photojournal has another exclusive release this coming Monday so you are all going to have to keep your eyes peeled for it – either on here or via other social media platforms. Goodness – the world, the machines, the links! All I can say is that it will take you from the roots of hip hop to a corner of the 4th most dangerous city in the US where hand on heart I never felt more safe in my life. People looked out for me and the sense of community was immense. I miss it and want to go back to make a bigger film. It will be a film about hope, dreams and real people.