For those of you that listen to my podcasts I mentioned some time ago that my religion is somewhat of the Sensible order. And to prove it – I’ve just joined The Blah Party. Blah blah blah blah blah. Thanks to Istvanski for prodding me to get off my lazy backside and post something for a change. Actually – I’ve posted twice today from youtube but as yet – nothing seems to have appeared – most frustrating. Anway – I’ve got the Romo For Real 9 or 10 bubbling away – should be up soon my little bloggertasticnesses. Oh, and before I go – I’ve finally muddled through and worked out how to blogroll – ish – please don’t be offended if you are not on it yet – I tried today and it was all a bit trial and error. I managed to blogroll the links I could remember off the top of my head – all the others – you are being collated but not forgotten – you too will be appearing soon. And…..there’s more stuff up on recoverednotebook if anyone’s interested. Toodlepip for now. xx