5..4..3..2..1..Ready..Steady..Go! Goodness – how time flies. Here is a little synopsis of various posts that have been whirling around my head over the last two weeks. It’s been a bit busy round here and I have been a bit distracted…..evidently…..by thinking about (in no particular order):
5. The prospect of being able to go to the cinema next year and watch Lemmy – The Movie. If the trailer is anything to go by I think it may be rather good despite Lemmy’s terrible joke as featured below at the end of the trailer – I don’t think Lemmy wears coats so cue the music, cue the tumbleweed….and be deaf forever
4. Enraged that The Daily Bloody Mirror decided to put “I lied about my gastric band op so what and now I’m all stressed out and have probably gorged on 100 packets of Ryvita because they don’t make you thin anyway which is why I had the gastric band in the first place” Fern Britton – instead of beyond inspirational Pat Regan on the front page. Leave Fern Britton alone. It is pathetic. What’s more newsworthy? Obviously not Pat Regan who made it to page 4. Pat Regan was an astounding person. A brilliant mother and victim of violence with the death of her eldest son that initiated her becoming active in the Mothers Against Violence campaign several years ago but ironically ended in her untimely and tragic death at the hands of her own grandson. I strongly feel that Pat Regan would have further changed law and made an even bigger and more positive difference to the current gun and knife related youth crime in this country had she lived. She already had. Truly devastating that she is no longer alive.

Pat Regan Activist Campaigner Mother 1955 – June 1 2008 Read more about Pat’s phenomenal work here Read more about Mothers Against Violence here 3. Felt a bit sad and sick seeing a heavily pregnant teenage girl with a packet of fags and mobile phone at the bus stop yesterday. She looked really defiant and was dressed in an outfit some people might deem to be ‘inappropriate’ for a young pregnant woman but it wasn’t that that particularly bothered me – it was her attitude. She had a face of pure grump and her arm was cocked out over her bare tummy holding the fags and mobile aloft as if to say “yeah? what”?. It made me sad for the imminent baby and I wondered how many fags it had had already. Actually I wanted to cry.
2. Wondering why Peters and Lee were so funny?

And did Lenny get his glasses from the Innovations catalogue?

But why were Peters and Lee such a national joke – a bit like Mary Whitehouse or Fanny Craddock? Piley has done a nice little piece featuring Peters and Lee on Planet Mondo here.
1. Thinking about how funny a voice Annie Leibowitz has – New England clipped mixed with huge energy and excitement. A genius. See last night’s Imagine here.
Lastly in the absence of a podcast which is also whirling around my head – here is a song for Friday – I dedicate it to all those either having a mid-life crisis or gorging on that popular chocolate bar Credit Crunch or both.
And some great obscure Russian poster art for a shoe factory I found.
Doors to manual darlinks – Romo Airlines – prepare for take-off.

Night night everyone.
