Do not turn your backs and howl. Do not run away and put your head in a bucket of sand. Do not despair when Blogger turns your life into a big mush! Ladies and Gentlemen – feteaccompli has been re-born – the new version has risen and life in my father’s house has returned to normal. A hyphen was duly added and now all is well. You can find it here: fete-accompli.blogspot.com
Back from my hols but not feeling inclined to blog about it just now as am still reeling in shock at how disgustingly ugly and filthy London is – and especially how rude everyone is at Heathrow. Was most disappointed that I didn’t catch a glimpse of the protestors – I might go down tomorrow before they all pack up. Toodlepip for now (that’s if anyone actually reads this anymore)..will be back on my blogging horse later this week or tomorrow – once I sift throught the myriad of photo’s I could possibly post up without boring or shocking anyone to tears.