Goodness, Agnetha looks reaaally pissed off doesn’t she? I can sort of see why. What on earth were they thinking of? I know – let’s wrap ourselves in a continuous strip of Bacofoil and stand in front of the Swedish flag – it’ll look really good I promise. Do you think they used a whole roll? And do you think they went ‘commando’ or were they wearing pants? I wonder if they recycled it for a slap up barbecue after the shoot?
It’s the Wimbledon Men’s Final tomorrow – yaaaaawnnn – Geoff has written a great piece on the demise of tennis due to that hateful extra inch. I wholeheartedly agree with him and would rather watch this – it is infinitely more entertaining. Check out the serve action.
Toodlepip. Sayonara. Kalimera. Adios. Night night. Good morning. Hello. Bye. Later.