I’m off to France for 5 days to see my Dad. Behave children won’t you? I shall bring back some tinned moules marinieres and some tight-fitting dayglo espadrilles for each and every one of you. I will have no internet access at all (OHMYGOD – how am I going to cope?) I will have no landline, no phone signal and apparently no gas. It is a little adventure. I have taken a tent in case ‘the barn’ which last time I heard didn’t have a roof still doesn’t have one…depeche toi…mais oui mais oui…..une baguette sil vous plait….le singe est dans l’arbre…Yvette est dans le salle a manger…zut alors! My French is astounding.
Here is the worst song ever about going to France:
And here is one of the best French songs ever:
Adieu mon dieu les enfants. Mwah…mwah….mwah. xx